Friday, July 14, 2017

Meet your blogger-volunteer and some wrens

I now have a number of July bluebird nests to keep track of. Four with eggs or nestlings. Also two wren nests. It took me an hour to do my job as there were a few distractions and puzzles. I checked them by bike and got soaking wet shoes and socks.

I had just put the bike on the rack. The back pack has a camera, tools, a bird book with a folded sheet inside where I make my notes. Often my binoculars are slung over my shoulders.

If you are interested in plants and animals, you can ask for volunteer opportunities at the Pioneer's park desk. I help with plants some Saturdays. If you want to widen county or state wide, and help out with the crane migration, for example, a good place to start is with Nebraska Master Naturalists. We get 70 hours of training, but no tests. Classes are given spring and fall between Omaha and Lincoln and other locations for a week in the summer.

Nebraska Master Naturalist

Once you are trained, you can pick projects, anything with plants, animals, the prairie etc. Mine is a bit unusual in that the main hours I get are as a lone volunteer.


I had the wrens nesting on the North Side. Now I have another pair nesting on the South side. I could not get in to see eggs or nestlings as the box is so small. There is a danger of the small nest falling out as the sticks that fill up most of the box are moved. The sticks look like this, and most boxes just have the sticks left by the male.

The parents were quite agitated after I opened the box and closed it right away. The came back from chattering at the bush nearby to stand on the box and chatter. The male then ran off and sang too.

Two videos. The second is a bit jumpy, as the male went to a bush.

Yes, the wrens are small. One more still of singing male:


On the South side, 4 at Box 14 fledged. Three at Box 5 are jumping to the hole to be fed. And the pair in Box 12 have laid 2 eggs of a second clutch.

Box 5 parent with food, at box, and fledgling inside peeking out.

North side Bluebird Box 11 parent, Box 11 nestlings (4) and eggs in Box 18 (now 3 eggs)

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